Wednesday, January 24, 2024


The prompt was: If hope is a living, breathing thing, what would it be?

If hope is a living thing, 

  what would it be?

Would it be a an animal that calmly listens to you while you vent,

  with fur that is a comfort to pet when you're hurting

  eyes that look directly into yours and seem to understand what is going on in your heart.

If hope were a living, breathing thing

  Would you want to hold it

  or watch it from a distance

  to see what it does?

If hope was something you could see or touch

  Would it be the water that keeps us alive

  Would it be the sun lighting up the day?

  Would it be the moon, bright at night?

  Would it be the stars that we wish on as children?

  Would it be the clouds, shape shifters and bearers of rain and snow?

If hope is a living, breathing thing,

  What would it be?

If hope is a living, breathing thing, 

  maybe it's you and me.