The writing prompt was "I really miss ___, I miss ___." This prompt could not be more timely for me.
I really miss being able to walk into the room
And seeing you look up when you saw me
Your whole face would smile.
You seemed so happy that I was there.
Now I don't know what will happen when I open the door
Will you notice me
Will you know who I am.
Will I be able to recover from
The encounter.
I really miss your quiet strength,
The stubbornness that you passed on to me.
Time and age have taken your energy,
but their is still strength and a lot of stubborn.
The progression has gotten faster,
You need help with everything
And I feel helpless as I watch
and listen to you groan and cough.
I didn't think I would ever say this
But I really miss hearing your snores,
From down the hall.
I never got used to the sound
And now I'm glad I didn't.
I miss hearing your loud sneezes that hurt my ears.
The sneezes that elicited a reproachful glance
from whoever was in the room
and had heard them before.
I miss wondering why you couldn't figure out a way
To make them less explosive
and if they hurt your ears too
I miss hearing the back and forth banter
between a couple who had been together
of sixty years.
And still disagreed on so much
That you could feel the tension in the room
Rise and then fall
When love truly did conquer all.
Mostly, I miss the person you used to be.
And even though I am sitting here
By your side,
And know you will be us with
For a while.
I miss you already.
© 2023 Sue Schnitzer